Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Missing You": A Socialmedia Perspective !

"I Miss You", Do you still have that same feeling the same old way after the socialmedia life? In the good old days of the Eighties and Nineties, missing people made sense, nowadays, missing people became more or less totally different due to the unlimited connectivity, you can get anyone almost anytime ! But let's get back to the basics , How do you Miss someone while having him on your Facebook for example? 
Does the online presence replace the actual existence? Honestly, Never! If you take as an example a class of a global MBA spread over 80 countries after finishing their studies, would Facebook replace the actual MBA experience? Facebook made it possible for people to not lose their connections because before Facebook, no one would have known a single thing about his school colleagues and friends, this is a leap in connectivity amd understanding the other but still the Emotional connection is based on actual real life experience, 
Facebook can re-create memories but can't create them in the first place. 
The connectivity is on absolute term very beneficial , however , Don't you really miss the real person and the real interaction . 
I can say that Facebook plays a distinguished role in maintaining relationships but in the same time , it gives you second thoughts that You might not see the person you are connected to again, this gives a weird situation between perception and reality!
In a practical sense, Socialmedia has helped in keeping people together.
The independence of time,space,demographics,the ability to connect at any time is an unbelievable advantage of Socialmedia.
We would love to nurture the feeling of belonging, construct meaningful conversations, act on our  global socialisation.
In Conclusion, Humanity is about expressing your emotions and Socialising wherever you are to bring a smile on your face:) 

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