Friday, November 10, 2017


Truth or an accurate understanding of reality is the essential foundation of any good outcome.

Most people fight seeing what is true when it is not what they want it to be. That's bad, as it is more important to understand the bad stuff as the good stuff will take care of itself.
Be radically open minded and radically transparent to have rapid learning and effective change.
Learning is a real time continious feedback loop as we make decisions, see their outcome and improve our understanding of reality as we see the results.
Being open minded and transparent helps you in having an efficient learning process, the more open minded you are the less likely you will deceive yourself and the more others will give you feedback in an honest way.
Don't let fears of what others think of you stand in your way, being transparent helps you in understanding yourself and understanding others.
When we know what is true, we will have less misunderstandings, will be more efficient and focus on what matters.
Unhide and open up by embracing openess and transparency and this will bring meaningful work and meaningful relationships.

Adapted from Principles, Ray Dalio

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