Thursday, July 7, 2016

How Champions think

Success is all about an optimistic mind-set. By establishing goals, building confidence and facing your fears, you’ll be able to take your performance to the next level, whether in business or on the playing field

Actionable advice:

Keep a positivity journal.

Hey, I'm reading How Champions Think by Dr. Bob Rotella and Bob Cullen on Blinkist. Blinkist offers the best knowledge from nonfiction in powerful, memorable packs.

Saturday, May 28, 2016


As a morning practice,as you open your eyes and start your new day. Take a deep breath in and inhale gratitude through yourself. Feel good about your existence, be thankful of your health,of your ability and your chance of having a new day.
I would like you to think about someone you are grateful for,a person who helped you and try to connect back to that person today.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

With a Little Help From My Friends

Life is full of interesting people,just get out and listen to people's stories,show a real passion and you will be surprised of what you can learn. 

Today I will tell you a story about what I have learned with a little help from my friends.

I have enjoyed new concepts like the mental commitment for example which is the focus on one main theme rather than setting false expectations and letting yourself and everyone down, it is the root cause of prioritization and finding a higher purpose and the sense of growth and self achievment.

Another thing is the soul searching, a new friend just brought out who she had that moment when she decided to stop being at the receiving end of life and started to explore her options without judging herself and giving herself the chance of choice .

Another point is getting outside of your comfort zone zone and explore doing other things like govermental or voluntary work to see life from other perspectives.
Also, there is the social dimension of investment that was brought out as a different view.

Matching people's expectations has no link to your self worth , people might see you differently and you have to accept the different angle of who you are,who you can be and who you must become.

The world is full of interesting people around, juet open your ears and see:)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Morning Step

Step-by-step, I have  the power to  change  all  that is not working in  my life.  With  each step I  take, I am on  the  pathway to the  best of who I am.   Sometimes  I  go  a  bit  off-course, but I  always  find  my  way  back again.  Peace comes  from  realizing that all that  needs to  be done  will  be done.  I just start from  the place where I am right now  and take  it one step  at  a  time.   In  so  doing,  I  pull  myself  out of the  rut of  inaction.  I trust the  wisdom  within my being to  show  me what  needs to  be  done.   And  I  will  do  step  at  a  time.   I  take  a  deep  breath  and  relax.  Yes…  ,Susan Jeffers.
As you wake up in the morning,open your eyes,start your day with a smile and positivity.
The first step today is to have a "Miracle Morning".

You should change your morning ritual immediately.
Start with meditation,one breath in an one breath out,it will help you focus on your breath,focus on your thoughts one thought at a time and recognise your emotions.
You can use a cool application called "Calm".

Have a positive affirmation every day,it will get deep into your spirit and make you feel good,even if you don't feel good,fake it until you make it.
An example of affirmations is "Whatever Happens,I will Handle It".

Your affirmations can help you visualize the answers when you ask yourself questions such as, “What do I want?” “Why do I want it?” and “What am I committed to doing in order to get there?”

4) Morning Excercise
Morning exercise will keep your body healthy and spur your success just feeling good because you’re in shape.

Reading books on personal development in the morning is one quick means of gaining insight from others who have experienced success.
Use Blinkist for reading.
Hey, I'm reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod on Blinkist. Blinkist offers the best knowledge from nonfiction in powerful, memorable packs.

6) Writing
Well, writing for just five to ten minutes every morning will accelerate your personal growth.
By writing each day, you can review what you have learned, gain clarity on your problems and achievements, and acknowledge your progress along the way.
Use for writing.

Make your Miracle Morning a new habit by having an accountability partner and committing to a 30-day challenge, start be at least 1 minute for each activity (6 minutes in total).

"Our habits create our lives"

Use six steps every morning to start living the life of our dreams: silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading and writing.”

Get happy about tomorrow

Reference The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod on Blinkist.