I love you above and beyond your imagination.
Yes you, just believe in yourself and believe in me.
Just close your eyes for 5 seconds and set your mind free. It is just a fantasy for you and me, close as at should be in unity , love and affection. A recreation of when we first met, no grudges, no misery, no pain, just a childish hope with an openess to the world where the sky is the space and the mind is flowing with positivity and joy.
Just close your eyes, 5,4,3,2,1 LOVE.
Yes Love, eternal love that flows like a river but is still like a mountain . No judgement, patience, good intentions, smile, positivity, understanding and harmony.
Close your eyes and let go of anything that holds you back, it is just a thought, a thought that comes and goes,just watch it and keep the good seeds in and leave the bad ones (everything is relative) out.
Grow the tree of love again, feel the passion in your heart, be optimistic about each day you live as it is a gift of god.
Just get the fire back to your eyes, feel it in your voice,hear it with the tap of your feet on the ground, you vibrate ,you shine, you give love and live it with every step on earth,just take it easy on yourself and always believe in yourself and always believe in love.