Saturday, August 31, 2013

Better Done than Perfect

This combination of freedom and abundance affords us opportunities to create ideal lives for ourselves.

Perfection eludes you; there is always doubt about your love, your children, your career! Do you feel Overwhelmed ! Yes!
When You have no choice in a matter and something goes wrong, You have no reason to blame yourself.
If a tornado comes along and destroys your home, You don’t go around assigning blame; instead, You begin to rebuild.
You have high expectations and expect everything to be perfect, which would never happen.
You need to be able to accept your Reality and Move on.

Always Remember Better Done than Perfect", just finish your task with best quality possible and know that the learning curve would be jumped when you finish more tasks not taking more time in one task.

Photo-Courtesy : DigitalMediaHealth 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The incredible #MBA Community on Twitter

Get Connected with the #MBA Community on #Twitter:

Most active users of #MBA on #Twitter
@College_Experts @United_Kingdom_ @jobsplane @ClearAdmit @addygarg @BlueSky_Edu @MagooshGMAT @PauloLotJr @TCU_MBA @TopMBA @findmba @rsmmba @sustainablersm @timothypeters @v_stoyakin

Most mentioned users:
@DukeFuqua @DebPG @beatthegmat @fortefoundation @MelodiestClub @instituteb @BasSieffers @EconomistGMAT @LokeyGSB @MichiganRoss @PeterHolmark @globeandmail @m_yury
 @MBAHighway  @mbaMission
@NewburgEquip  @austinGMAT
@MiddlesexDubai  @ShanghaiA2Z
@businessbecause  @FT
@INSEAD_Degrees @MBAFocus
@MiddlesexDubai @PoetsAndQuants  @ismail_albar
@Accepted @MP_Connect @CarlsonMBA @SmithSchool @hildis84 @DukeWLEAD  @NSBNewYork @Shyam17 @TonyMarino @cgsm_mba @mbaprojsearch @surgiclprincss @thembacentre @uvmvermont @wvucobe 
@FansOfMelody @achanJKT48  @TopMBA @darrellkopke @MSUBroadCollege @cgsm_mba @BWbschools  @College_Experts  @LaSalleBCN @MagooshGMAT  @NSNtweets @Worldexp_uk @kaollin @nbmbaahq

Join Now: 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Take Good Care of Yourself:)

-Write down your thoughts, express your feelings, you will feel better
-Affirm yourself with kind and loving thoughts, check Susan Jeffers' Affirmations
-Avoid Negative Self-Talks, it leads to nowhereland!  Kick it out!
-Have a gratitude for someone, feel it, and express it 
-Don't exhaust yourself mentally or physically, Relax!
-Exercise, Go to the Gym or go for a walk to get fit and chillax
-Do something nice to yourself, think positively and get to your higher
-Always find the support of families and friends, Everywhere! Find them!

Monday, August 19, 2013

How 2 Get Organized, Now!

In an Era of Big data and endless flow of Information, News and SocialMedia, you can lose Focus easily. The self-management becomes a necessity for success, in this Blog, We will go through some steps that can help you.

1. Create a To-Do List
If you feel overwhelmed, you forget things, overloaded,stressed , incapable of finishing what you want to do, missing deadlines and not hitting your targets, you need a "To Do" list .
Get Piece of paper and:
-Write Down the Tasks you want to complete
-Prioritise your tasks 

You can also use software tools like Remember the Milk (

Tip: Remember: Make the list of maximum 4 to always hit the core.

2. Find the right Places for Everything
First know what you have at your place, shoes, clothing, books, equipment, watches, games, toiletries, electronics, food and practically everything you have.
Second, Get rid of the old stuff or the stuff you are not using, you will add up to your charity score and you would empty your shelves and free your disorganised time capacity wastage.
Third, If you use it don't lose it , make sure you put the things you frequently use at your fingertips in easily accessible bins, drawers to avoid losing time. 

Tip: Get Organization Products - 
-Media Organizers (DVDs , Cassetes)
-Multiuse Hanger
- Recycling Bin
-Clear Box 


3. Get Rid of Clutter
Take out anything you don't use, again use it or lose it.
-Make a Pile of Everything you have
-Sort Things out
-Empty your closet and Drawers
-Check out all your papers and apply the same process
-Make 3 Piles
   -Things you use daily(Put in Closets)
   -Things you use weekly/ monthly ( Containers)
   -Things you don't use (Charity)

4. Do things Immediately 
Don't procrastinate , do the things you want to do now to avoid getting yourself into delays , missing deadlines and starting a negative spiral.

Tip: Start Now and Don't leave it until tomorrow 

5. Color Code Tasks
Divide Tasks to Urgent,Important, Not Urgent and Not Important
Then use a colour for each task, whether on a piece of paper, an excel sheet, ms project, folder or Mobile Application 
You can also use Remember the Milk (

6. Keep a Schedule
Manage your time wisely because it is the most valuable resource you have, divide your time based on Key Activities, Milestones and Deliverables.
If you don't start each an everyday with the daily tasks in your mind, you would lose your time and miss your objectives, start each day with the Objectives on Your mind.
You can use a simple Agenda to manage your schedule and you can use different applications
Schedule Planner

7. Create Small Goals
When you make huge goals that are difficult to accomplish you could end up not meeting them because you become overwhelmed. Small goals that you can actually accomplish will result in getting more done and making sure you can complete them as you anticipate. Keep goals written on your main calendar and make sure to update them as you progress.
Check the following tools: Mind Tools

8. Be Positive 
There is nothing that could be possibly accomplished if you are not positive. Smile, help someone, know that tomorrow is a better day, keep pushing forward, learn from your failures and move on . The more positive you are the more you would be able to stay focused and Organised.  
-Avoid Negativity
-Stop Blaming Yourself
-Think of the good things you have
-Believe in Yourself

9. Set Priorities
Know what you want from life, it is not an easy task but you should think it through, make a mind map of all of your life,business, investment, travel,Charity and whatever you want. 
Check what you do each and every day and write it down in another mind map and then check what is important and mark the mindmap with your ranking.
Know your Priorities 

Check the Mind Mapping tools 

10. Use Time Wisely
Don't spend your life daydreaming, time is e most valuable commodity you have, stay away from anything that isn't brining or won't bring results .
Focus on finishing one task at a time and minimise the number of switches between tasks. 
Minimise checking your emails and checking your phone because it takes 20 minutes to regain focus between switches.
Tiny Budha

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What Gets in the Way of Your Leadership Effectiveness?

We all have things that are likely to get in our way of being effective and effectively leading.  Being honest with yourself about what they are is essential to developing yourself as a leader.
These past few days I came face to face with a few of those things for myself.  A request was made of me about six weeks ago and as the deadline loomed near I attempted to get to work. I noticed I was really having trouble getting started. Then there were a few false starts. I found myself printing a series of attempts and promptly crumbled each in a ball to toss into the trash
The deadline I had given myself was Saturday.  On Sunday I communicated that I had not forgotten and I was working on it.  Even when I wasn’t working on it, my integrity would not allow it to drift far from my mind until it was done.  Finally I sent a note coming clean about my struggle.
I was not clear about what I was doing or why. The embarrassing thing for me is that I know better!
Resistance, procrastination and frustration are good indicators that clarity is lacking.
As a coach I often work with people to get and stay clear.  In fact, my clients tell me that is one of the things they count on most from me.  However, that does not mean that I am immune to suffering from a lack of clarity or that my emotions don’t sometimes transcend my knowledge or skills.
When you are the one who is resisting, procrastinating or frustrated it can be hard to see what is really going on even when you “should” know better. When that happens it can be humbling. The good news is it happens to all of us on occasion – at least it does if you are human.

So what stopped me from just asking?

In hindsight I can now see there are 3 things that were in my way. These same three things can get in the way of my effectiveness and my leadership if I am not mindful.

1.  I Thought I Should Know

I let my embarrassment that I was not clear about the request get in the way of reaching out to actually ask. I really respect this person and didn’t want to look bad in her eyes. Wow, that one is hard to admit out loud!

2.  My Commitment had Become an Obligation

I lost sight of why I was doing this both in service of my own commitments and in service of my commitment to this person and our bigger cause. The moment that happened this task was just another thing on my to do list that didn’t have the same level of importance in my mind and heart that other things on that list had. There is a big difference in your experience when you are acting from a commitment vs. an obligation. For more about this topic read The Opportunity of Obligation.

3.  I Was Experiencing Overwhelm

The good news is this woke me up to realizing I am feeling over committed at the moment. Now that I can see it I can take action by reassessing my commitments and plans and making adjustments. However, the first thing I know to do when I feel overwhelmed is to reconnect with what I am most deeply committed to so the adjustments I make can be informed by my commitments rather than an intellectual exercise that could end up being the equivalent to “moving the deck chairs around on the titanic!”

What gets in your way in being effective and leading effectively and how have you learned to overcome it?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Top 10 Productivity Boosters

Check the following apps to boost your productivity with immediate effect.

1- YAST: Easy time tracking to increase productivity, billing rate and staff performance. Features: Shared projects, 1-click timers, mobile apps and detailed reporting.

2- Evernote : Capture Anything, Access Anywhere and Find things Fast.

3- Dropbox : is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again!

4- Skitch: Get your point across with fewer words using annotation, shapes and sketches, so that your ideas become reality faster.

5- Remember The Milk: Online to-do list and task management
Remember The Milk is the popular to-do list that's everywhere you are: from your phone, to the web, to your Google apps, and more. Used by millions worldwide.Manage your tasks from everywhere and get email , sms alerts

6- Sanebox: Automatically filter your email of spam and unimportant messages to only see the emails that are important. SaneBox intelligently analyzes your emails

7- LastPass : Password management that makes browsing easier and more secure

8- Dunno : Change the way you take notes 

9- mint : Get a handle on your finances the free and fast way. Mint does all the work of organizing and categorizing your spending for you. See where every dime goes and make money decisions you feel good about. 

10- Expensify : manage your expenses with simple, hassle free expense reports