Tuesday, May 28, 2013

You will Survive!

My Beautiful Friend, I know your life has been on a bumpy road lately, the rosy world of your early life is not going well, you are slowly starting to see your dreams evaporating in a blurry fog that was never planned! 

Things and circumstances are not fun anymore and what made you laugh is now making you cry, right now, your are in the middle of the Crossroad that leads to Two contradictory paths in your life, you are not happy to be in this Crossroad but it is the way it is, and You have to stand up and take a decision to continue or terminate your relationship with your own Hand, you might even have an innocent Kid that makes your decision Harder. 
I can see that you are literally, symbolically and Figuratively stuck!

I won't get into preaching Happiness and adopting Happy Go Lucky Problem Solving but I will try to give you a hand in your valley of indecision. 

-Look, whatever happens , you will handle it, there are no Right or Wrong Decisions, what you think is bad might turn out to be something exceptionally good, so it is not the end of the world whether you stay or you move out of your Relationship. I understand your fear, your boredom and disbelief with what is happening to your relationship , but believe me , you have to make up your Mind and MOVE ON!
- Being upset  with the Crossroad of Indecision is understandable, So Be Easy on yourself and have some self-compassion
-It is doesn't matter if you have mixed feelings 
- Reviewing your relationship at this point is crucial, you have to understand and 

Answer those Questions:
1)What Brought You Together initially? Do you still have Magic?
2) What Attracted You to each other? Personality, Intellect, Beauty?
3) What went Wrong?( Chemistry, life pressures, financial issues
4) Why Did it go wrong? What were the drivers behind?
5) Why didn't you resolve your problems, what affected you? 
6) How can we Heal the Emotional Damage of the Relationship?

The problem you are facing now is a problem of trust, you don't want to blame yourself for missing an opportunity of happiness with someone you loved enough to get married to, you don't want your children to lead unhappy lives with loose attachments and an Emotional Vacuum? 
You think it is the end of the World , but HELL NO, IT IS NOT! 

You will go on with your life whichever decision you would take, 
Life is stronger than you, your loved ones or your Children. No matter what happens, you will survive! 
So take a deep breath, close your eyes , let go of the past, think about something Positive and Clear your Mind! You will be alright:)


Monday, May 27, 2013

Morning Booster- Enjoy Your Positivity!

Start your day with Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Day:)
Affirmations will bring Positive Thoughts to Your Mind and Help You Perceive The World Positively and Be Focused!

Now Read those Affirmations and Stay Positive! 

- I am healthy and happy. 

- Wealth is pouring into my life.

- I am sailing on the river of wealth.

- I am getting wealthier each day.

- My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way.

- I have a lot of energy.

- I study and comprehend fast.

- My mind is calm.

- I am calm and relaxed in every situation.
- My thoughts are under my control.

- I radiate love and happiness.

- I am surrounded by love.

- I have the perfect job for me.

- I am living in the house of my dreams.

- I have good and loving relations with my wife/husband.

- I have a wonderful and satisfying job.

- I have the means to travel abroad, whenever I want to.

- I am successful in whatever I do.

- Everything is getting better every day.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Never Give Up!

“The people who get ahead in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.”

- George Bernard Shaw

For how Long would you stick to your Dream?
Are You the Only Person Who Believes in You?
Will You live Your Life with Forgotten Dreams ?
Will you be true to Yourself or Live to the Expectation of Others?

Let Me Tell You something :"NEVER GIVE UP"!
-Always Remember Your Family and Loved Ones
- Define How You Can Make Yourself Happy?
-Don't Ever Let Anyone Define Who You are
-Work Hard and Harder and Harder, don't be a chicken!
-Be Realistic about Believing in Miracles
-Keep Pushing Forward as long as you are Alive
-Your Dreams Make you Human
-You are Strong and Resilient
-Failure is Not An Option, keep this in your Mind all the time!
-Help Others and you will find opportunities opening up to you
-Be Flexible to Change 
-Never Forget those who stand by You
-Pick a mentor and learn from Experience 
-Don't be Happy with Mediocracy because in the end conformity loses to creativity. 
-Set A high Bar for Performance and always push it up.
-Be Effective and Specific
-Don't Deprive History from Your Contribution 
-Believe Me You Make A difference 
-Always think and Do One Thing at at time.

"Missing You": A Socialmedia Perspective !

"I Miss You", Do you still have that same feeling the same old way after the socialmedia life? In the good old days of the Eighties and Nineties, missing people made sense, nowadays, missing people became more or less totally different due to the unlimited connectivity, you can get anyone almost anytime ! But let's get back to the basics , How do you Miss someone while having him on your Facebook for example? 
Does the online presence replace the actual existence? Honestly, Never! If you take as an example a class of a global MBA spread over 80 countries after finishing their studies, would Facebook replace the actual MBA experience? Facebook made it possible for people to not lose their connections because before Facebook, no one would have known a single thing about his school colleagues and friends, this is a leap in connectivity amd understanding the other but still the Emotional connection is based on actual real life experience, 
Facebook can re-create memories but can't create them in the first place. 
The connectivity is on absolute term very beneficial , however , Don't you really miss the real person and the real interaction . 
I can say that Facebook plays a distinguished role in maintaining relationships but in the same time , it gives you second thoughts that You might not see the person you are connected to again, this gives a weird situation between perception and reality!
In a practical sense, Socialmedia has helped in keeping people together.
The independence of time,space,demographics,the ability to connect at any time is an unbelievable advantage of Socialmedia.
We would love to nurture the feeling of belonging, construct meaningful conversations, act on our  global socialisation.
In Conclusion, Humanity is about expressing your emotions and Socialising wherever you are to bring a smile on your face:) 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Egyptian Note

There are a lot of economic and political happenings that are going through in Egypt those days , the jurisdiction law, the demonstration law, the incapable government , the inadequate constitutional base, the revolution's high hopes are now faced with a shocking reality that brings everybody on their knees , the revolutionaries, the ruling brotherhood, the laymen Egyptians and even the Elitists are all down! The revolutionary dreams turned out to dark nightmares , especially with the power blackouts, rising unemployment and crippled economic growth!  Moreover, Egypt is in a polarised situation between the Princes of Vengeance who want to retaliate against proclaimed years of oppression and humiliation in the prisons and a dry mix of a wide array opposition made up of intellectuals, revolutionaries and non-revolutionary civil state proponents . 

The Political bottom line is chaotic economic conditions whereby even Egyptians abstain from Investing in their own country. The devaluation of the Egyptian pound is hitting everybody, the only positive effect from the government 's perspective is the decrease in the debt size due to the massive devaluation and subsequent inflation . The cost of narrowing down the budget deficit is very high, the civil unrest that will follow does not justify it.

What Do You think? How can Egyptians resolve this Political Paralysis?, We all have a problem with Egyptian Politics now, the usual line of thoughts, Why this happened? So bad, that this what we have after the Revolution and After Democracy!  Because the Brothers are more Politically Skilled to win Elections despite their Management incompetence? 
Is it because of an Opposition Disconnected from the roots? 
So WHAT? Most of Revolutions fail to attain their targets!  Hell No, Egyptians are you happy with what is happening?
Again, "Focus on the How not the why, when and what only", HOW CAN EGYPT GET OUT OF THIS TRAP? Share your views! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tell me How :)

"Focus on the How not the Why, When and What only".
That was the advice given by Mohamed El-Erian's Father, one of the most successful living Egyptians (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_A._El-Erian) . 
The words kept ringing in my mind, Focus on the "How,not the why,when,what only", very impressive because it covers the logic, the timing and the substance of any problem but let's think , How can we use this "Paradigm"?

Let's take something hypothetical, you have a problem with your weight, the usual line of thoughts, Why I am overweight? So bad, I am overweight because I eat a lot, I am inconsistent in my eating habits and I don't exercise enough, Great , but So WHAT? 99% of overweight people have the same reasons and the same logic that led them to being overweight! If you use the "Focus on the How not the why, when and what only". paradigm, you would address the problem differently and more positively ! Simply think "How Do People Lose weight and How Can I do it"? Check  success drivers of weight loss and how can you fire up you "WillPower" to do the same, don't focus on the problem as it would absorb you , focus on how you can solve the problem taking different perspectives? 

Another application if the paradigm, The ancient Chinese notion of happiness (fu 福) has five elements: longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and living out one’s natural span well. "Happiness", it is not about what makes you happy, it is "How You define Your Own Happiness "? Does happiness mean your beautiful kids, Does happiness mean success, Does happiness mean "a Family", Does happiness mean "Freedom" , Does happiness mean "Successful Marriage", Does Happiness mean "enjoying or performing  Arts, music or sports"? Does happiness mean "Praying"? Does Happiness mean "Eating and Drinking"? Does Happiness mean "Sex"? Does Happiness mean "Travelling"? Does happiness mean "Money"? If you think about how you actually define "Happiness" and breakdown the elements of your definition of Happiness , each one of us would have his/her own set of Happiness variables that clearly frame his own "Happiness" and afterwards we should think clearly about "How we can make ourselves happy by prioritising those elements of Happiness?"  Happiness is not a tangible materialistic thing that you can touch and feel, it is the Mindset of "How do You Define Your Own Happiness"? 

The Paradigm of "Focus on the How not the why, when and what only" can have endless streams of thoughts and applications. 
Now i want you to think again about this golden advice How would you "Focus on the How not the why, when and what only"?:) Please Share Your thoughts. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Choice is Yours: Simply You!

Through your  journey in life, everyone gets through many periods of the roller coaster of Connection and Disconnection with his own Higher Self. 
You have definitely experienced the peak time in your life when everything went right and everything seemed flawless. 
As life is hard generally with so many illogical, irrational and inconsequential events, it takes a real effort to maintain your energy level,  your positive spirit and to raise your performance bar.In order to be on top of the change that happens , you have to be continuously connected to your Higher Self.

The connection to your Higher Self which can possibly be described as the peak performance which requires a change in how you approach life and how you change your mindset. 
Let's have a try to connect to our Higher Self this morning through the following affirmations:

-"I trust and I don't want to control! " :Try to trust your team, today, give everyone in your life the benefit of the doubt and don't try to control and see the results, Amazing, Right?
-"I appreciate my blessings": When you wake up and in the first hours of your day, think of your blessings, the best of all is you are conscious , that you can stand on your feet, that you can prepare your coffee,smell fresh air and that you won't starve today, you have the health,wealth and energy for today, you have your "Will to Change", "Appreciate your Blessings" and don't take anything for granted.
-"I love and I don't need": Think positively about all the aspects of your life , Life is a choice , you should choose to love most of everything you do, not to just need it. It might theoretical but true, there is a big difference between loving your job and needing it, if you love it, you will get the best out of you, if you need it, you will hardly see yourself in your performance , you will be a shadow because you will simply be mentally and emotionally disconnected.
-"I care and I am not insensitive": Today, try to care about others, it doesn't matter how powerful you are because power is always In a flux , so try to be careful about others today, think of yourself as an element of change rather than an element of control.
-"I am filled up and I am not empty" : You are certainly richer than what you think you are, your experiences, your values, your achievements, there is life within you, there are memories,feelings and aspirations, you are filled of positivity , enjoy it.
-"I count and I know do": As long you are alive, you count, your brain and actions contribute to this universe, don't underestimate yourself, even a zero can add ten times if placed correctly .

Friday, May 17, 2013

Morning Breeze

Your weekend is a Gold Mine to revitalize your life. Only if you plan to use your time wisely, weekends will be a booster for the following week. 

Try one of these, 
Take an early bird friend to an outdoor breakfast. Seek the shade, take a deep breath and enjoy the morning breeze. Forget about monitoring your weight on the weekend's morning. You will burn more than what you gained on the first working day. For now relax, think positively and enjoy the fresh air, Everything will be alright.

It doesn't matter If you are all alone, single or on your own, take the driving seat in your car (if you have one), if not you can Take your Bike or even walk on your feet, believe me it is a privilege to be able to walk on your feet.  Just feel the freedom in the empty roads and enjoy. You grab your morning coffee or tea from the nearest coffee shop or any 24/7 local cafe, feel the contrasting heat of your drink with the coolness of the morning air, it is just Cool:)

Start your ride, The morning time on a weekend is actually the best time to see any city closely, it is like seeing the beauty of the soul of someone, it needs a peaceful surrounding and an opportunity to explore.
So this weekend, against all the odds , try to wake up early to enjoy your morning time!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pleased to Meet You:)

Sometimes, you meet some people that you can connect with immediately! They represent core values and qualities in your life, tenderness, affection, mercy, strength, they just click! You think that you want to see that person again! 
Believe me, it is not about a crush, It is not about looking for the imaginative values of the people or being impulsive but rather an instant connection that you have to accommodate to buffering your own subjectivity objectively . The chemistry with this person might arise from certain common values like courage, hard work, creativity, feelings like having fun,attraction or the context you have met in like a football match or even a revolution! Sometimes, you just feel good when you see this person, you have goose bumps, the smile captures you , the thought of the person captures you. Taking your wild imagination aside, It can't be defined, sometimes this other fills a gap in you, fills the cracks of your heart ,soul and brings you up until up want nothing more, it could your friend, your soulmate,your love. You know,the ultimate satisfaction is to seek no satisfaction. That person just appears and fills you with joy,unconditional caring,sometimes the pleasure is the extension of the illusion but you have just to love it to survive.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Les Miserables"- An Egyptian Story

There is a line of thoughts connection between the values and the morals of "Les Miserables" of Victor Hugo, the French Genius and The reality of the Egyptian Life nowadays. I will go through some famous quotes of the novel thanks to @LesMis_bot and make the connection between what's happening to Egyptians and "Les Miserables".

@LesMis_bot "Every Man will Be A king"! It is true at the time of the revolution , all Egyptians felt the pride of controlling their destiny, the idea was very much appealing, I won't get into the debate of whether you are pro or anti revolution but believe me, At the time of the revolution , the quote was "Rise your Head High, You are an Egyptian" was a slogan.

@LesMis_bot: "I had a dream my life would be so different from this hell I'm living! #Fantine "All Egyptians after the revolution had high hopes, they were dreaming of a better society, of a better tomorrow but unfortunately the opposite happened, things got worse, Egyptians got poorer, more miserable, less secure, less tolerant and more divided. The rosy world ended with useless Referendums and Theatrical Elections that took more of the Egyptians than it gave them.

@LesMis_bot: "If I speak I am condemned. If I stay silence I am damned! #Valjean " The Couch Party in Egypt "Kanaba"  who weren't truly pro or Anti Mubarak, their contribution to their reality is always misperceived and are always pushed to the sideline by politicians despite the flux that's happened in Egypt and which gives the right for everyone to protect his interests and beliefs
@LesMis_bot: He knows his way in the dark. Mine is the way of the Lord. #Javert . Religion is abused in the political scene in Egypt and was used explicitly in the post-revolution era to re-define the political spectrum through the Paradigm of "God" and "Anti-God"

@LesMis_bot: "Nothing changes. Nothing ever will." Te reality that Egypt didn't get any better after he revolution and unfortunately the way the new system developed will assure that the country just changed the Name Tag of the President ,nothing more nothing less. There are no improvements whatsoever in the health,education,quality of life of Egyptians. 

@LesMis_bot: "One more dawn, one more day, one day more!" Just to end the blog because we can go forever ; the value of "mercy" and "forgetfulness" is what Egyptians need now to protect the Egyptian identity and unity.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Let's Write Together

The writing process is a very interesting set of activities that includes engaging in developing your purpose,addressing your audience and choosing your topic. The writing process encompasses the ideas generation,the big data and collection of information and the synthesis of information in a meaningful draft, afterwards. You should go through the writing, editing and reviewing process.

The process is adventurous and perfectly imaginative.
I will walk you through some sources that we can go through together to jointly lead the way to better writing.

-Synthesis of writing (http://www.users.drew.edu/~sjamieso/Synthesis.htm)

Writing,content,writing style,how to write,synthesis,how to identify my writing audience,what is my writing style,skills,self improvement, self development,essay writing,write,style,how to improve your writing 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Egypt's 6 April Founder Ahmed Maher Arrested

April 6 founder Ahmed Maher arrested in Airport for investigation for "inciting protests in underwear".
This headline is a milestone in Egyptian Politics, not due to the Importance of Ahmed Maher as the Founding Member of 6 April but due to the change in the Layering of how the Brothers in Egypt are playing the game. Unfortunately, the brothers are taking off their political underwear of being part of the revolution and their level of tolerance for opposition has a very minimal threshold for criticism and the underwear is totally off. Regardless of the balance between the morality and the rule of law in politics ,but what happened is a final point in a long dotted line of an undesired picture that's been drawn by the Brothers in Egypt, The replacement of a Tyrant by another Tyrant! The arrest of Ahmed Maher sends a very strong message to the Egyptian Opposition that the Party Time is Over and that your Brothers will Get you.... Behind the Bars! The Current power is locking itself behind the police controls and practically speaking sending the Revolution into a Real Mud and paradoxically ending any brothers  legitimacy and popularity in the Egyptian street for no reason, I really can't figure out why the Brothers are acting like this!


There are many universal values that people live in their lives, they just live it and do it , they don't do it and pretend it,they live it and inspire us with their eternal values. 
The value I am talking about today is (Hope) , how long can you stay positive and stand for the value of positivity for yourself and all those around you. 
Does living your positivity depend on where you live, does it depend on which circumstances you live in like peace,war,recession , Does your values revolve with time, or can you keep your values whatever the situation is? 
If you live in a country that is in the middle of a turmoil, would you compromise your value of "Positivity", "Strength" and "hope"? When you know that you have definitely done your best sacrificing almost everything; your life, your time and your heart to "what you believe in" , and when the ultimate result is basically "Nothing" , would you still believe in yourself or quit?
Sometimes, when you reach that point of "maximum drawdown " which is basically Going from "it is all happening perfectly" to "nothing is working at all" , you have to to get back to the first building block of Life "Survival".

Do you have the fighting spirit to survive, to get over your disease, your debts, your wounds, your pain , your fears and your frustrations with life?
Do you have the power to think of a better tomorrow? Can you see your life outside of the deep hole you are currently living in? Do you know that each one of us diggs himself in his own hand- made hole, your sub-par  life could possible be another's man heaven, your wife, your kids, your house , your car, your education , your values ? It is not as bad as it seems, Right?Definitely you are not the unluckiest person in this world. What I would like you to do is to have some "gratitude" for yourself, and just make a promise that you will accept whatever you have now and keep moving forward. It is a very easy message, "Accept what you have and Move Forward". 

Hui Zhu inspiring Blog in reaction to Keep Pushing Forward:

"A Cranfield Alumnus wrote on his blog about the value positivity. I read it with mixed feelings. And feel to share some insights.

Yes, it is true, like Mohamed confirmed, there are many universal values that people live in their lives, they just live it and do it , they don’t do it and pretend it,they live it and inspire us with their eternal values. It includes positivity, that is, how long can you stay positive and stand for the value of positivity for yourself and all those around you. I would like to go one step further and interpret this obvious positivity as valuing the positive aspects of life. In my humble view, life is constructed that there are too many thins we can control and thus many draindowns and setbacks. It is quite unnatural for a person to stay positive, but it is realistic for somebody to (learn to) see the good even facing the bad.

Mohamed asked a few questions which I feel inspired to answer, with my own experience and my own insights. 

Does living your positivity depend on where you live, does it depend on which circumstances you live in like peace,war,recession? I lived in the rural China in the 1980s to 1990s. It was peace, and we were a family who had to count the pennies before spending. My parents were both employed by state enterprises, like all others, as all were employed in government, state enterprises or other state-related service providers like school, nursery etc. and my parents lost their jobs after China entered “Chinese socialism”, like a huge number of people experienced in that age of turbulence. Two kids in the school age meant that we needed a lot of money which my parents did not possess. I felt that my parents survived on a daily basis by just trying to go into the huge uncertainty by giving a lot of attempts to get money to pay the school fee for me and my brother, and to secure us a basic life and the uncertain chance of a better life. 

Parents lived upon responsibility. Father went to the farm everyday and that reduced the cost of living as we have the vegetables and did not have to buy from market. We limited all spends: no money for any extras. They just lived the positivity without naming it. There was no room for fear because we had to survive. Well, there were people who were drained down for a period and drank instead worked. That was out of question for my parents, whp just worked hard towards THE solution. My father eventually borrowed some money and started his fish farming business from minus and sometimes worked 15 hours daily. He secured the chance of prosperity. This experience taught me a lot. Because there was no alternative, because life was basically linked to finding an option other than the easy way of giving up. Keep calm and carry on. So, I learned that positivity is nothing fashionable. Positivity is the necessity for a living and it is linked to other values - faith of a better future and MAKE it happen. 

So, living your positivity does not entirely depend on where you live, it does not entirely depend on which circumstances you live in like peace,war,recession. It is a choice, like a lot of other things in life. It is a choice to look at the facts with other emotions. Yes, it is about choose emotions wisely.

Mohamed asked, does your values revolve with time, or can you keep your values whatever the situation is? If you live in a country that is in the middle of a turmoil, would you compromise your value of “Positivity”, “Strength” and “hope”? When you know that you have definitely done your best sacrificing almost everything; your life, your time and your heart to “what you believe in” , and when the ultimate result is basically “Nothing” , would you still believe in yourself or quit? 

I feel that the values we keep should not be on the surface. It is deeper than just saying it a few times and magic, abrakadabra, we can behave that way. I don’t feel that I could be in line with a “value” when I read it from Harvard Business Review and decide to follow and I live it the next few days like as if I try out a new diet. The question here is though whether I can keep positivity when my estimated outcome is zero? Mathematically, the  expected value of all my inputs, so-called “everything” - elements of life, time, heart (emotions), is ZERO? I don’t know! But I know that it cannot be zero! I am so positive, i just can recall all the examples which showcase me all the good: Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Deng Xiaoping, … Name it, there are enough people who suffer more than I may feel I am suffering and they survive with achievements! There are more options than just give up believing and quit. A further consideration would be a question about belief. I am sure that extreme circumstances require extreme conviction. I myself cannot think of situations where I dedicate my life to a circumstance difficult to change, as I may have a lack of deep beliefs. But the people I named, they certainly had a deeper vision for which they were ready to sacrifice. As one of the normal folk, I honestly would try to think other options than just stick to the positivity despite of Zero-chance of prosperity, whilst I still recall the words of a wise friend - find out your unnegotiables and stand for them.

Sometimes, when you reach that point of “maximum drawdown ” which is basically Going from “it is all happening perfectly” to “nothing is working at all” , you have to to get back to the first building block of Life “Survival”. Do you have the fighting spirit to survive, to get over your disease, your debts, your wounds, your pain , your fears and your frustrations with life? Do you have the power to think of a better tomorrow? Can you see your life outside of the deep hole you are currently living in? Do you know that each one of us diggs himself in his own hand- made hole, your sub-par  life could possible be another’s man heaven, your wife, your kids, your house , your car, your education , your values ? It is not as bad as it seems, Right?

These are heavy questions! I already hate the images I create in my mind to visualise the discussion points. As a vivid reader, I just linked the discussion to a few books & others - Les miserables, le monte de Monte-Cristo, Batman, Jerry McQuire, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest or The Shawhank’s Redemption. Honestly, if we are alve, we can have a better life. Why could so many others succeed in doing and we fail even at the imagination? Because we build the unsolvable logic before we start anything to fix the problem?

Interestingly, we have around us those normal life heroes. I am feeling that i am a total theorist if I talk about “surviving”, as what I had to do, is also done by many others. I came across enough people who survive serious deceases, accidents, tragedies, rape, personal drawdowns like drugs or alcohol addicts. For every single person, the level of perceived difficulty is different. And, open our eyes, we can always rebuild those external items, right? House, car, even wife and kids. Honestly, there  is a saying in Germany: they can never take away a few things from a good man: experience, joy for life, education (your titles), and your story. It is never as bad as it feels, because we are  getting richer in things others never can take, everyday. The critical thing is that we have to choose again - don’t leave ourselves in the hole for too long. Write a blog, have a chat with a wise friend, write a reflection diary, accept the frustration and embrace the journey to the bright side of things.

Mohamed concluded, Definitely you are not the unluckiest person in this world. What I would like you to do is to have some “gratitude” for yourself, and just make a promise that you will accept whatever you have now and keep moving forward. It is a very easy message, “Accept what you have and Move Forward”. 

Yes, keep calm and carry on. We are lucky enough to have made it here and it is worth to move forward. And if we want to make it better, start today for the better tomorrow. Little by little. It is not rocket science. It is the rule of life: we have the option to look at things we want to. Choose wisely and take actions based on the deep values within your soul.

Check Hui Zhu Blog 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Keep Pushing Forward

There are many universal values that people live in their lives, they just live it and do it. They don't do it and pretend it. They live it and inspire us with their eternal values. 
The value I am talking about today is (Hope). How long can you stay positive and stand for the value of positivity for yourself and all those around you? 
Does living your positivity depend on where you live, does it depend on which circumstances you live in like peace, war, or recession? Do your values revolve with time, or do you keep your values whatever the situation is? 
If you live in a country that is in the middle of  turmoil, would you compromise your value of "Positivity", "Strength" and "Hope"? When you know that you have definitely done your best sacrificing almost everything; your life, your time and your heart to "what you believe in", and when the ultimate result is basically "Nothing", would you still believe in yourself or quit?
Sometimes, when you reach that point of "maximum drawdown" which is basically going from "it is all happening perfectly" to "nothing is working at all", you have to get back to the first building block of Life "Survival".
Do you have the fighting spirit to survive, to get over your disease, your debts, your wounds, your pain, your fears and your frustrations with life?
Do you have the power to think of a better tomorrow? Can you see your life outside of the deep hole you are currently living in? Do you know that each one of us digs himself in his own hand- made hole, your sub-par life could possibly be another's man heaven; your wife, your kids, your house, your car, your education, your values?
It is not as bad as it seems, Right? Definitely, you are not the unluckiest person in this world. What I would like you to do is to have some "gratitude" for yourself, and just make a promise that you will accept whatever you have now and keep moving forward. It is a very easy message, "Accept what you have and Move Forward".

How can we revive Tennis?

Contrary to what most casual tennis fans think, the sport is currently facing a severe crisis as it is plagued by one dimensionality, the disproportionate shift in balance between fitness and skill, and the declining popularity of tournaments outside the Grand Slams and the Masters events.

On the lack of versatility, who does not miss the contrasting styles of Sampras/Agassi or Borg/McEnroe of the 80s and the 90s? Due to the extreme difference in the nature of surfaces during the old days, it was virtually impossible to win the Roland Garros Wimbledon double the same year and only Bjorn Borg and Andre Agassi achieved that feat twice within a span of 20 years. As Wimbledon introduced a slower type of grass with a higher bounce at the turn of the millennium, the event became a shadow of its true identity as Serve and Volleying became a recipe for disaster on its slow courts. Not surprisingly, Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer made the Roland Garros Wimbledon double from 2008 to 2010 as the naturalization of surfaces made the impossible achievement a handy task compared to previous eras. The naturalization of surfaces and making tennis slower have another devastating effect on the game, the arrival of endless error plagued matches where fitness overtakes skill and shot making. Slow surfaces make it much harder to finish a point and gave a wide advantage for overly fit players on attacking ones. Had Wimbledon been that slow in the 90s we could have probably ended up with more titles for Michael Chang than the gustiest player of all time, Pete Sampras.  It is vital to increase the variability of surfaces to promote different styles of play to make the game more attractive.Watching Djokovic and Murray grinding for 5 hours doesn’t make tennis any sexier.The purpose is to watch nice shot making and reward risk taking players who provide a real spectacle.

The repetitive matches between the top 4 players and the lack ofsurprises in Grand Slams will ultimately bore spectators and render tennis intoa 2nd tier predictable sport. The ITF and ATP need to provide theplatform for a new Boris Becker to come. At the end of the day, we need to remember that unpredictability and surprises are the essence of popularity of tennis